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SOURCE: 1840 Census of Pensioners Revolutionary or Military Services;
With the names, ages, and places of residence
Returned by the marshalls of the several judicial districts; under
The Act for Taking the Sixth Census

Typed and Reformatted By: Kathy Leigh, February 15, 2001

1Naval Service

A - L     M - Z

M - Z
First Name Last Name Age Head of Household City County Possible Name Variation
Huldat Mahony 84 Horace Capson City of Providence-4th ward Providence Mahoney
Grace Man 66 Grace Man City of Providence-2d ward Providence Mann
Nabby Manchester 74 Nehemiah Manchester Scituate Providence
Margaret Manchester 78 Abraham Manchester Tiverton Newport
Giles Manchester 36 Giles Manchester Tiverton Newport
Abraham Manchester 78 Abraham Manchester Tiverton Newport
Phebe Manchester 96 John Grinnell Tiverton Newport
Esther Manchester 78 Ephraim Manch**** Little Compton Newport
Phebe Mann 93 Anna Mann Smithfield Providence Man
Sarah Mann 93 Charles Wade Glocester Providence Man; Waid; Waide
Jeremiah Manton 77 Jeremiah Manton Johnston Providence
Catharine Manton 79 Catharine Manton Johnston Providence
Lois Marsh 89 Je*erson In**** North Providence Providence Inmorn; Innman; Marshe
Elizabeth Martin 85 Ambrose Martin Barrington Bristol Marten; Martenn; Martine; Marton; Martyn
Pardon Mason 81 Pardon Mason City of Providence-4th ward Providence Mason; Masonn; Masonne; Mayson
Abigail Mathewson 82 Mary G. Potter Cranston Providence Matthewson
Lydia Mathewson 87 John Mathewson Burrillville Providence Matthewson
Lucy Matteson 79 Henry A. Matteson Coventry Kent Madison
Rhoda Matteson 87 Benjamin A. Matteson Coventry Kent Madison
Susanna Matteson 89 Peleg Brown Coventry Kent Browne; Madison
Stephen Matteson 81 Stephen Matteson Coventry Kent Madison
Phebe Matteson 91 Rufus Matteson Coventry Kent Madison
Dorcas Matteson 93 Cory Matteson Coventry Kent Madison
Betty Matthewson 86 Lewis Follett Smithfield Providence Mathewson
Elizabeth Mays 67 Elizabeth Mays Newport Newport Maes; Mayes
Samuel McClanan 80 Samuel McClanan City of Providence-2d ward Providence
Mary McIntire 84 Mary Jencks Smithfield Providence Jenks; McIntyre
Martha Medbury 79 Samuel Steere Glocester Providence
Nathan Miller 88
Warwick Kent Millar
Eunice Miller 91 Waity Sweet East Greenwich Kent Millar; Sweate; Sweete
James Miller 86 James Miller East Greenwich Kent Miller
Elizabeth Mitchell 75 Joseph Mitchell Glocester Providence Michell
Sarah Mitchell 87 John Wilcox Coventry Kent Michell; Willcox
John Montgomery 81 John Montgomery North Providence Providence
Silas Moore 80 Silas Moore Richmond Washington More
Mary Morse 80 Ellis Tompson Smithfield Providence Mores; Thompson
Bethiah Morse 84 Bethiah Morse Foster Providence Mores
Jeremiah Mowry 78 Jeremiah Mowry Smithfield Providence
Jonathan Mowry 78 Benjamin Cushing Smithfield Providence
Susanna Mowry 76 Susanna Mowry Smithfield Providence
Abel Mowry 82 Abel Mowry Scituate Providence
Joseph Munro 79 Joseph Munro Bristol Bristol Monroe
Smith Murphy 88 Smith Murphy Westerly Washington Murphey; Smithe; Smyth; Smythe
Isaac Negus 81 Isaac Negus Tiverton Newport
Rhoda Newcomb 49 Rhoda Newcomb City of Providence-2d ward Providence Newcum; Nucombe
Mary Nichols 77 George M. Shaw North Kingston Washington Niccoles; Niccolls; Nicholls; Nicolls; Nicols; Shawe
Mary Nichols 78 Mary Nichols Coventry Kent Niccoles; Niccolls; Nicholls; Nicolls; Nicols
Zebulon Northup 98 William Corey North Kingston Washington Northrup
Sylvester Northup 79 Sylvester Northup North Kingston Washington Northrup
Mary Oatley 75 Isaac J. Hopkins South Kingston Washington Hopkyns; Oatly
Sarah Olney 84 Mary J. Carr City of Providence-1st ward Providence Carre; Olny
James Olney 77 James Olney Johnston Providence Olny
Ruth Oswell 73 Hezekiah Willard City of Providence-5th ward Providence
Elizabeth Page 84 William Aplin City of Providence-3d ward Providence Aplyn; Paige
Simon Paine 78 Amey Burlingame Smithfield Providence Pain; Payne
Margaret Paine 75 Nathaniel B. P**** New Shoreham Newport Pain; Payne
Marcy Pakham 87 Josiah Westcott Scituate Providence
Emblem Palmer 91 Jonathan D. Palmer Little Compton Newport Palmar
Ichabod Pearce 77 Ichabod Pearce Little Compton Newport Pearse; Peerse; Peirse; Pierce
Martha Pearce 81
Warwick Kent Pearse; Peerse; Peirse; Pierce
Benjamin Peck 70 Benjamin Peck City of Providence-4th ward Providence Pecke
Jonathan Peck 80 Jonathan Peck Cumberland Providence Pecke
Olive Peck 82 Olive Peck Coventry Kent Pecke
Lucy Peck 67 Lucy Peck Barrington Bristol Pecke
Daniel Peckham 82 Daniel Peckham Newport Newport
Timothy Peckham 85 Timothy Peckham South Kingston Washington
Mary Peckham 88 William York Westerly Washington Yorke
John Perrin 87 John Perrin City of Providence-4th ward Providence Perren; Peryn
Elizabeth C. Perry 49 Elizabeth C. Perry Newport Newport Parrye; Perrye
Elizabeth M. Perry 20 Arthur Ross Newport Newport Parrye; Perrye
Daniel Pettey 83 Enos H. Weeden City of Providence-6th ward Providence Pettie; Petty; Weden; Weedon
Thomas Philburk 80 Henry Cushing City of Providence-4th ward Providence Philburke
Olive Phillips 71 Silas Mowry Burrillville Providence Philipps; Philips; Phillipes; Phillippes; Phillipps
Phebe Phillips 83
Warwick Kent Philipps; Philips; Phillipes; Phillippes; Phillipps
Reuben Place 78 Reuben Place Glocester Providence
John Place 75 John Place Exeter Washington
Jeremiah Place 83 Jeremiah Place East Greenwich Kent
Samuel R. Potter 83 Samuel R. P**** South Kingston Washington
Mary Potter 82
Warwick Kent
Martha Potter 80
Warwick Kent
Reuben Potter 81 Charles Griffiths Coventry Kent
Sarah Potter 82 Loury C. Potter Coventry Kent
Matthew Price 80
Warwick Kent
Peleg Pukham 78 Peleg Pukham Westerly Washington
Sarah Ralph 77 Sarah Ralph Scituate Providence
Mary Ramsey 89 Anstress Waterman Cranston Providence Ramseye
Stephen Randall 79 Stephen Randall North Providence Providence Randal; Randoll
Sarah Randall 69 Sarah Randall Scituate Providence Randal; Randoll
Mary Randall 78 Oliver Randall Scituate Providence Randal; Randoll
Elizabeth Rauson 75 Joseph Rauson City of Providence-5th ward Providence Rawson; Rawsone
Sarah Ray 83 Gideon Ray Westerly Washington Raye
Thomas Remington 79 Thomas Rem****** Tiverton Newport
John Remington 79 George Weeden Jamestown Newport Weden; Weedon
Benedict Remington 80 Benedict Remington East Greenwich Kent
James Reynolds 83 James Reynolds South Kingston Washington Reynoldes
William Reynolds 87 William Reynolds North Kingston Washington Reynoldes
Elizabeth Reynolds 79 Ezra D. Davis North Kingston Washington Davice; Davise; Davys; Reynoldes
David Reynolds -- David Reynolds Coventry Kent Reynoldes
Jonathan Reynolds 77 Jonathan Reynolds Bristol Bristol Reynoldes
Catharine Rhodes 86
Warwick Kent Rhoades; Roades
Mary Rhodes 85
Warwick Kent Rhoades; Roades
James Rhodes 76
Warwick Kent Rhoades; Roades
Calvin Ripley 93 Charles Ripley North Providence Providence
Hannah Robinson 78 Mary Lovell City of Providence-2d ward Providence Robbinson; Robenson; Robensone; Robinsonn; Robinsonne; Robynson
Elizabeth Rogers 80 Frances R. Arnold City of Providence-3d ward Providence Arnolde; Rodgers; Rogiers
William Rude 88 William Rude Cumberland Providence Rood; Roode; Rud
Amey Salesbury -- Abel Salsbury Scituate Providence Salisburie; Sallisbury
Mary Sawyer 81 Mary Sawyer Cumberland Providence
Rose Sayles 78 Rose Sayles Smithfield Providence Sales
Abigail Sayles 82 Olney Mowry Smithfield Providence Sales
Smith Sayles 81 Smith Sayles Smithfield Providence Sales
Elisha Sayles 83 Angell Sayles Burrillville Providence Sales
Amey Scott 84 Olney Scott Cumberland Providence Scot; Scotte
Henrietta Scott 70 George E. Nason Newport Newport Scot; Scotte
Obed Seaver 80 John Hawkins Glocester Providence Hawkens; Seiver; Siever
Noah Shaw 82 Noah Shaw Little Compton Newport Shawe
Roger Sheldin 83 Roger Sheldin Exeter Washington Shelden; Sheldon; Shelldin
Nathaniel Sheldon 51 Nathaniel Sheldon Glocester Providence Shelden; Sheldin; Shelldin
Asa Shelldin 83 Asa Shelldin Burrillville Providence Shelden; Sheldin; Sheldon
Dorcas Sherman 77 Dorcas Sherman North Providence Providence Sheirman
Daniel Sherman 82 Daniel Sherman Tiverton Newport Sheirman
William Sherman 87 William Sherman Tiverton Newport Sheirman
Hannah Sherman 86 Joshua C. Baker North Kingston Washington Bakar; Sheirman
Landerick Sherman 78 Clarke Sherman Exeter Washington Sheirman
Job Sherman 83 Job Sherman Exeter Washington Sheirman
Rufus Sherman 82 Othanial Sherman Exeter Washington Sheirman
Remington Sherman 78
Warwick Kent Sheirman
Solomon Shipper 92 Solomon Shipper, Jr. Foster Providence
Anna Short 81 James Short Warren Bristol Shorte
Ichabod Simmons 78 William Simmons Tiverton Newport
Abner Simmons 77 Abner Simmons Tiverton Newport
Isaac Simmons 75 Charles Wood Little Compton Newport Woodd; Woodde; Woode
Rebecca Sims 85 Maxson Chase Westerly Washington Chace
Sophia Sisson 93 Sophia Sisson Portsmouth Newport
George Sisson 89 George Sisson Portsmouth Newport
Susanna Sisson 66 William Jordan Little Compton Newport Jorden; Jordin
Thomas Sisson 81 Lebeas Sisson Westerly Washington
Seabury Sisson 75 Betsey Kelley Warren Bristol Kelly
Elizabeth Slocum 85 Ruth Spink City of Providence-4th ward Providence Slocombe; Spinck; Spinke
Elizabeth Slocum 86 Samuel Reed Bristol Bristol Read; Reade; Reede; Reid; Slocombe
Tabitha Smith 84 Tabitha Smith City of Providence-6th ward Providence Smithe; Smyth; Smythe
Sarah Smith 85 Sarah Smith City of Providence-6th ward Providence Smithe; Smyth; Smythe
Oliver Smith 83 Oliver Smith Smithfield Providence Smithe; Smyth; Smythe
Elijah Smith 80 Simon Smith Smithfield Providence Smithe; Smyth; Smythe
Thomas Smith 79 Joshua Smith Scituate Providence Smithe; Smyth; Smythe
Jonathan Smith 94 Jonathan Smith Scituate Providence Smithe; Smyth; Smythe
Simeon Smith 95 Remington Smith Cranston Providence Smithe; Smyth; Smythe
Reuben Smith 80 Reuben Smith Cranston Providence Smithe; Smyth; Smythe
Thankful Smith 79 Pardon Hunt Glocester Providence Smithe; Smyth; Smythe
Sarah Smith 56 Sarah Smith Newport Newport Smithe; Smyth; Smythe
Nathaniel Smith 76 Nathaniel Smith Newport Newport Smithe; Smyth; Smythe
Ebenezer Smith 84 John A. Smith South Kingston Washington Smithe; Smyth; Smythe
Mary Smith 86 Mary Smith South Kingston Washington Smithe; Smyth; Smythe
Susanna Smith 81 Mary Paine Bristol Bristol Pain; Payne; Smithe; Smyth; Smythe
Betsey Smith 92 Phebe Smith Bristol Bristol Smithe; Smyth; Smythe
Anthony Snell 78 Anthony Snell, Jr. Bristol Bristol
Mary Spelman 85 Robert Perkegs City of Providence-2d ward Providence Spellman
Sarah Spencer 83 Orrin Spencer Coventry Kent Spenser
Anthony Spencer 78 Ezra Spencer East Greenwich Kent Spenser
John Spencer 80 Richard Spencer East Greenwich Kent Spenser
Oliver Spink 85 Oliver Spink North Kingston Washington Spinck; Spinke
Delia Sprague 84 Daniel P. Sprague Smithfield Providence
Knight Springer 83 Knight Springer Tiverton Newport
John Springer 80 Hezekiah W***wor** Little Compton Newport Woodworth
Orpah Stafford 87 Jared Stafford Coventry Kent
James Stafford 90 Daniel Tiffany Coventry Kent
James Stanbry 81 James Stanbry Hopkinton Washington
Sarah Stanton 92 Lodowick Hoxsie Charlestown Washington Stannton
Ruth Staples 79 Simon Staples Scituate Providence
Hannah Steadman 75 John E. H. Ch*mpl** New Shoreham Newport Champlin; Champline; Stedman
Mary Steere 77 Mary Steere Glocester Providence
Reuben Stern 85 Reuben Stern Scituate Providence Sterne
Brownell Stoddard 84 Pe** Simmo** Little Compton Newport Simmons
Esther Stone 78 Ethan Stone City of Providence-4th ward Providence
Marcy Stone 77 Barton Randall Foster Providence Randal
Nathan Straight 85 Nathan Straight West Greenwich Kent
Daniel Sunderlin 85 Daniel Sunderlin Exeter Washington Sunderland
Mary Sweet 84 Mary Sweet City of Providence-6th ward Providence Sweate; Sweete
Jeremy Sweet 83 Jeremy Sweet Glocester Providence Sweate; Sweete
Elizabeth Sweet 67 Elizabeth Sweet North Kingston Washington Sweate; Sweete
James Sweet 87 James Sweet East Greenwich Kent Sweate; Sweete
Huldah Swetland 84 Huldah Swetland North Providence Providence
Martha Taber 96 Caleb S. Knights Newport Newport Tabor
Elizabeth Taggart 73 Elizabeth Taggart Middletown Newport
Stephen Talbee 85 Stephen Talbee, Jr. Bristol Bristol
Job Taylor 78 Richard Olny Scituate Providence Olney; Tailer; Tailor; Tailour; Taler; Taylar; Tayler
Mercy Taylor 77 Mercy Taylor Foster Providence Tailer; Tailor; Tailour; Taler; Taylar; Tayler
Jude Taylor 86 Jude Taylor Westerly Washington Tailer; Tailor; Tailour; Taler; Taylar; Tayler
Nicholas Thomas 84 Richard R. Thomas Scituate Providence Tomas
Festus L. Thompson 52
Warwick Kent Thompsone; Tompson; Tomson; Tomson
Sally Tifft 85 Augustus Tifft Newport Newport
Benjamin Tompkins 81 Thomas G. Tompkins Little Compton Newport Thompkins; Tompkines
Mary Tompkins 74 Mary Tompkins Little Compton Newport Thompkins; Tompkines
Mary Tompkins 85 Mary Tompkins Little Compton Newport Thompkins; Tompkines
William Tourjee 89 William Tourjee South Kingston Washington
Calvin Tower 42 Calvin Tower City of Providence-4th ward Providence
Hannah Tower 93 Elijah Brown Cumberland Providence Browne
Elias D. Trafton 73 Elias D. Trafton City of Providence-3d ward Providence
John Trask 81 John Trask Glocester Providence
Abial Tripp 77 Abial Tripp Smithfield Providence
Tampson Tripp 73 Tampson Tripp Smithfield Providence
Jemima Tucker 93 Nancy Tucker Smithfield Providence
Drusilla Tucker 83 Drusilla Tucker Foster Providence
Aaron Turner 82 Patience T. Battes City of Providence-5th ward Providence Turnor; Turrner
Zelotes Tyler 80 David S. Standley Smithfield Providence Stanley; Tiler; Tylar
James Updike 78 James Updike North Kingston Washington Updyke
Daniel Updike 79 Daniel Updike East Greenwich Kent Updyke
John Vallet 85 John Vallet Richmond Washington
Mary Vaughan 84 Ably Vaughan City of Providence-2d ward Providence Vaghan; Vaughann; Vaughn
John Vaughan 86 Eharer Phillips Scituate Providence Philipps; Philips; Phillipes; Phillippes; Phillipps; Vaghan; Vaughann; Vaughn
Jane Vose 79 Mary Eddy Smithfield Providence Voce; Vos
Jeremiah Vose 74 Jeremiah Vose Cumberland Providence Voce; Vos
Molly Wade 90 Oliver Wade Glocester Providence Waid; Waide
Willard Wade 83 Willard Wade Glocester Providence Waid; Waide
Sabia Walcott 73 Isaac Field, 2d City of Providence-6th ward Providence Feild
James Walden 79 James Walden Little Compton Newport
Sarah Walker 83 Jarvis Eddy Scituate Providence Edye; Walkar
Nicholson Ward 80 Nicholson Ward Newport Newport Warde
Jemima Warner 78 Jemima Warner Glocester Providence
Esther Waterman 79 Henry Waterman Cranston Providence
Esther Waterman 85 Resolved Waterman Johnston Providence
Edward Waterman 82 Edward Waterman Johnston Providence
William Waterman 77 Jonathan Whaley Coventry Kent Waley
Abiah Watson 84 Abiah Watson West Greenwich Kent Watsone;; Watsonn; Watsonne
Leah Weatherhead 81 Daniel Weatherhead Cumberland Providence Wetherhead; Wthrhead
Amaziah Weatherhead 82 Joseph Whipple Cumberland Providence Wetherhead; Wthrhead
Abigail Weaver 77 Abigail Weaver Newport Newport Weever; Wever
Dute Weaver 82 Thomas A. Howland East Greenwich Kent Weever; Wever
Olive Weaver 90 Robert Hall West Greenwich Kent Halle; Haul; Haule; Weever; Wever
Peleg Weden 83 Peleg Weden East Greenwich Kent Weedon
Susanna Weld 79 Susanna Weld City of Providence-4th ward Providence
Sarah Westcott 87 Sarah Westcott City of Providence-5th ward Providence Wescott
Lydia Westcott 82 Thomas R. Westcott Scituate Providence Wescott
Stephen Westcott 77 Joshua Angell Scituate Providence Wescott
Mary Westcott 80 Niles Westcott Cranston Providence Wescott
Jerusha Whaley 89 Raymond P. Goff Coventry Kent Goffe; Waley
Sylvia Whipple 81 Sylvia Whipple Cumberland Providence
Lavina Whipple 84 Nathan Whipple Cumberland Providence
George Whipple 81 George Whipple Burrillville Providence
Ruth Whipple 64
Warwick Kent
Thomas White 79 Thomas White Little Compton Newport Whight; Wight; Whyt; Whyte
Ruth Whitehorne 73 Annos Baker North Kingston Washington Bakar
Job Whitford 84 Job Whitford West Greenwich Kent
Henry Whitman 76 Benjamin R. W****** City of Providence-6th ward Providence
Lucretia Whitman 84 Lucinda Butler Smithfield Providence Buttler
Deborah Whitman 70 Deborah Whitman Exeter Washington
Caleb Whitman 86 Caleb Whitman Coventry Kent
Peleg Whitman 78 Peleg Whitman East Greenwich Kent
Anna Whitmash 82 Mary Spencer East Greenwich Kent Spenser; Whitmarsh
Abel Wickes 85 Abel Wickes Coventry Kent Wicks
Oliver Wickes 82 Oliver Wickes East Greenwich Kent Wicks
Francis Wilbor 85 Al**** Brownell Little Compton Newport Wilber; Wilbour
Samuel Wilbor 81 Samuel Wilb** Little Compton Newport Wilber; Wilbour
Hannah Wilbour 82 Hannah Wilbour City of Providence-2d ward Providence Wilber; Wilbor
Daniel Wilbour 79 Daniel Wilbour Smithfield Providence Wilber; Wilbur
Thankful Wilbour 84 Thankful Wilbour Glocester Providence Wilber; Wilbur
Thomas Wilcox 81 Thomas Wil*** Tiverton Newport Willcox
Mary Wilcox 70 Samue Lake Tiverton Newport Laake; Laike; Willcox
Pardon Wilcox 78 Pardon Wilcox Tiverton Newport Willcox
William Wilkinson 79 William Wilkinson City of Providence-2d ward Providence Wilkinsone; Wilkinsonne; Wilkynson
Ann Wilkinson 91 James Thompson Cumberland Providence Thompsone; Tompson; Tomson; Tomson; Wilkinsone; Wilkinsonne; Wilkynson
Elizabeth Wilkinson 90 Benjamin Hopkins Foster Providence Hopkyns; Wilkinsone; Wilkinsonne; Wilkynson
Sylvester Willcox 84 William P. Willcox South Kingston Washington Wilcox
Penelope Williams 75 Sheldon Ba*** City of Providence-6th ward Providence Batty; Williames; Willyams
Betsey Williams 76 Benajah Williams City of Providence-6th ward Providence Williames; Willyams
Leonard Williams 81 Leonard Williams North Providence Providence Williames; Willyams
Squire Williams 88 Joshua Williams Glocester Providence Williames; Willyams
Ephraim Williams 84 Ephraim Williams Foster Providence Williames; Willyams
John Williams 80 John Williams Burrillville Providence Williames; Willyams
William Willson 79 William W****** South Kingston Washington Willsone; Willsonn; Willsonne; Wilsene; Wilson; Wilsonn; Wilsonne
Samuel Winsor 82 Hannah Winsor Glocester Providence Windsor
John D. Wolf 80 John D. Wolf Bristol Bristol Wolfe
Roby Wood 84 Luther Wood Glocester Providence Woodd; Woodde; Woode
Reuben1 Wright 53 Reuben Wright City of Providence-4th ward Providence Wreight; Wrighte; Write; Wryght; Wryghte
Martha Yeomans 89 Martha Yeomans Newport Newport Yomans
Stephen Young 82 Stephen Young Scituate Providence Younge
Othenial Young 82 Alpheus Young Burrillville Providence
Samuel Young 82 Samuel Young Newport Newport
Elias Young 77 Hazard Champlin Coventry Kent Champline

Searchable images of the original census are available online at:




1840 Census of Pensioners-RI
Created February 15, 2001
Copyright 2006
Web design and graphics by Kathy Leigh